Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today's Choices

This morning I woke up and cursed God because it was yet another morning I had to get up. Then I repented and thanked God for yet another beautiful day I get to get up. Then I complained to God that I was hungry. As I walked into the kitchen I realized although I don't have much, I will not be hungry in 5 minutes. This is a reality that not everyone experiences. Again I thanked God and was obedient in eating healthy as I asked God to not let the dough nuts be my temptation. I went to sit down on the couch, flipped through the channels and landed on 90210. My slothfulness immediately had a stronghold. So I asked God what would be more beneficial today? He told me to take a walk. Of course, I told God this obviously wasn't the best use of my time. I needed to read, I needed to fellowship with other believers, I needed to serve someone, I needed Starbucks. However, God said walk! So after wrestling with God, I submitted and asked where did he want me to walk? To the Seminary! The distance was less of an issue than the purpose. It made more sense to have me walk where unbelievers were not a school of trained believers. Again I submit! I started walking and I had my ipod listening to Mark Driscoll's messages on "Temptation and Sin" "Temptation and Hypocrisy" and "Temptation and Scripture". I began to just realize that I needed this time of God's Truth, peace, and meditation. I thought this was my reasoning of a walk. Then I passed a gas station. A man came out just as I was passing by. He was a man of about 65 as far as I could guess, he had a cane, had a long white beard, looked filthy, I judged him incompetent, and someone I would usually go out of my way to avoid. I politely said hello as I started to pass him until a physical tug from the Lord required me to slow down. He introduced himself as Pops. I made polite conversation about the weather, how long he's lived in Wake Forest, family, what he likes to do for fun. When we got to his home, he thanked me for our walk and hoped we could do it again soon! With a smile I continued my walk. As I continued I noticed a woman in her 30s that was struggling with her dog. At a closer glance I realized she had a neck brace on. I stopped to ask if there was anyway that I could help her today and she just smiled saying "No, thank you." I patted the dog on the head, helped calm him down and said "Well, I hope you have a blessed day". The journey continues as I approach the school and a couple carrying groceries. Again as the distance became shorter I notice the woman has a hole in her throat with a device to help her breath and talk. On a normal day I would smile as I passed by because I wouldn't know what to say to someone like this, but today was a day of obedience. I offered to help carry the groceries. A bit surprised (and skeptical I'm sure) the woman handed me some groceries to carry. The walk to her home was mostly silent. When we got to the door she asked me why I offered to help? All I knew to say is "because God wanted me to". Another smile was exchanged with a pleasant thank you and off I went to continue my walk back home. On the way back, Pops was sitting on his balcony. He hollered a second thank you with a "When can we walk again"? I now have a walking date with Pops on Saturdays. The remainder of my walk was my time to praise God for being good. How could I ever doubt God? He knew I would meet these people today. He knew I would need to see people enjoying this beautiful day that overcame physical ailment and all I had to overcome was selfish sloth to enjoy it. God knew I would meet a new friend, Pops, that is lonely and either needs God or needs a friend to listen about his experiences of God. God knew that despite myself, He has plans to bless me. God knows what may come of today. God knew I didn't know better than Him. Thank God!