Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why Do I Matter?

I'm very ordinary, until I try to be extraordinary. Then I'm ridiculous. I'm an extreme person. I don't like to do things half way, but I won't do things I think I'll fail. Some describe me as quirky or even weird, I like to keep things interesting. I challenge myself often to do things that seem uncomfortable or awkward. If more people did things that were awkward, society would get used to it and then it would be normal. For example, I talk to people I don't know, a faux pas that restricts the ability to serve and love one another the way God intends His people to do. I have a family, friends, I go to school, I go to church, I work, I eat, drink, sleep, exercise, read, laugh, worry, I do everything everyone else is capable of doing. I excel in looking awesome and being witty, but I have to work hard at being humble.
So far I've told you nothing about myself that would make you believe there is some grand purpose for my existence, or the fact that I am a necessity to society. Probably because I'm not alive for my own purpose or for those around me. In fact, I'm starting to think nothing about myself is really about me. In fact, I can't take credit for anything.
I was reading Jeremiah in the Bible and how Israel thought they were amazing and basically that even though God had created them, helped them escape slavery in Egypt, sustained them in the desert for 40 years, conquered nation after nation in war for them, apparently they thought God had taken them as far as they needed Him. Now they create their own idols out of wood (the wood that God provided by the way), they put their trust in their own hands, and somehow believe they have everything in control. They live for themselves without regard to why God even created them in the first place. Nothing they do is for God. God does not need us.
Awesome... God doesn't need us! Which means God wanted to create us. God desires us. God loves us. Our purpose is to please God. My purpose is to praise God, to love God, to desire God, to please God. What an awesome purpose! No pressure. It is a choice I get to make: either live life in fear because my sin brings destruction or live life in a way that loves God and praises Him for being a Creator that cares about me even to point of providing Jesus so that I have freedom. Tough choice!