Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Tyrant of My Thoughts

The media gets a bad rap. They are constantly blamed for the evil in the world: eating disorders, drugs, murder, inequality, sexual misconduct... so on and so on. Although they did not cause or create these evils, the media is not blameless. It is responsible for exposing the evil of perspective. Perspective is the devil's advocate against the world. Perspective is the gray in a black and white world.
I heard on the news the other day of a 25 year old mother killing her 11 month old daughter. What a tragedy!! Painstaking! This is surely an evil world when a mother so easily harms such a young helpless child. (Perspective enters here) Then I got to thinking about the great debate of abortion! Why is it acceptable for a mother to abort a baby not fully born, but not acceptable for a baby to be murdered? From my perspective it is just as evil. Other's perceive the child not human until birth. Some perceive it inhumane to birth a baby with predicted physical difficulties. Still, others' were too young or raped and do not feel they should be cursed with a child. Their perspective must be they are owed something that this child can not give: freedom perhaps.
Body image has become a priority among the young in America. Eating disorders and steroids are sickening solutions to a problem perpetuated by perspective. The media exposes models and athletes as a standard for beauty and success and neglect to complete the story of competition, fear, and guilt. A girl that is a size 8 is only overweight compared to a girl that is a size 4. Undoubtedly a girl of the size 14 is jealous of size 8 girl. A guy that can lift 200lbs is strong unless you can lift 300lbs.
It would be cruel of me to end without mentioning the secret to conquering this tyrant. It's a battle I've fought for awhile, yet the answer is so easy. God has given us his standard. It is called the Bible. This standard is absolute despite perspectives or opinions. This standard is unconditional. Murder is always wrong no matter what the circumstance. All people are always beautiful because God created us the way he desired, not to be compared to another creation. Sex is always condemned outside of marriage, no matter how awful your spouse acts. There is no such thing as a small lie. Respect is expected no matter how your enemies treat you. Jesus is the only way to God.
The point is your perspective on the matter doesn't count when God's standard is the Truth!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Conflict Between Coffee and Sleep

I once was asked if I were to write an autobiography what the title would be. "The Conflict Between Coffee and Sleep" was the only reasonable answer I could give. Coffee is my enabler to live life and sleep is my reward for the life I lived that day. I need both but neither really like each other. My life is the conflict that is between the coffee and sleep everyday. This blog will be a slice of who I am, my life, and conflict I am daily battling. I figured if I were to have any readers find my posts worth their time, they may want to know the author. I'm Lindsay. I love challenges and I love to contemplate life. I hate the word "love" because it has been overused and misinterpreted. God is the true source of my motivation in life. The reason is because this life is a mere detour on my way to true life with God. This is my time to practice worshiping my Creator and Savior. I love God ("love" is neither misused or misinterpreted in this situation). People say I'm controversial; I say I'm honest. If honesty comes in the form of controversy, count it a blessing that I care enough. I'm studying in seminary to be a counselor. I don't know what God wants me to do with my life to serve Him, but I found my calling to seminary helping families in government housing during college. I was blessed to see children come to know the Lord and families mend their relationships. This is what I want to see every day for the rest of my life. I would like to go to Seattle or Chicago someday, but I'm content where I am for now. Insecurities ransom my confidence. People shape my thoughts. Relationships encourage my morale. Reading builds my intellect. Art motivates my creativity. Children tickle my laughter. Compliments paint a blush on my cheeks. God gives me rest. Waiting draws my patience. I'm awkward sometimes, but I like to call it quirky. My philosophy of life is to do what you say. I call it Coreism... not to be confused with the major philosophies of life. My goal is to motivate people to stop talking about dreams, great ideas, goals... but to initiate and follow through with these dreams. It makes sense. We esteem those who followed this philosophy! My past has developed the Lindsay that exists today, but today is not contingent on my past. I've lived, learned, and left the old ways. I'm thankful for God's grace. This "past" may be brought up in future blogs but only for learning purposes. For now, all you need to know is God is good!